Scholars@Duke for Power Users

Scholars@Duke spotlights the research and scholarly activities of our faculty, researchers, staff, and Ph.D./graduate students across the entire university and health system through web profiles.

Benefits that Scholars offers for power users are the ability to:

  • Spotlight your faculty, staff, and graduate student scholarly activities inside and outside of Duke
  • Feed data downstream to school and department websites and for reporting
  • Streamline Duke web profile management for your organization
  • Enable generation of CV's from the profile owner's Scholars data

Power User Responsibilities:

Scholars Power Users are local resources that support the faculty, staff, and graduate students in their organization by:

  • Serving as a liaison between your organization and the Scholars team:
    • Sharing Scholars information with your faculty and other profile owners
    • Communicating feedback and requests from your organization to the Scholars team
  • Answering basic questions concerning Scholars
  • Assisting faculty with updating profile data pulled in from trusted Duke systems (i.e., dFac, SPS, DukeHub)

See the Power User Guide to learn more about the Power User role.

Power User FAQs

Contact the Scholars team to request Power User access. Please provide your name (as it is spelled in the campus directory) or your NetID and the organization you need access for.

If you’re looking to excel in your Power User role, the following steps would be a great start:

  • Register for an upcoming Scholars & Elements training session.
  • Attend our quarterly Scholars User Group meetings to learn about new features and provide feedback. You can meet other Power Users and benefit from their ideas.
  • Use self-enablement resources like those found on this Scholars Help Site with user guides, FAQs, videos and other resources for learning about Scholars and Elements and addressing user questions.
  • Know your dFac, SPS, and DukeHub users, as well as, your communicator(s) and website administrator. These systems contribute data to Scholars, and these peers can tell you how to get data corrected or updated.
  • Be responsive to questions and requests from your users.

Be aware of new data and features in Scholars and Elements in emails from the Scholars team. Help faculty and other users. Keep an open mind about helping faculty, and learn to edit profiles. The more you use Scholars@Duke and Elements, the better you’ll be able to help your faculty.

Scholars profile data is comprised of information that is entered manually by the profile owner or their delegate plus data compiled from Duke systems and trusted sources, including the HR system in SAP, dFac, the faculty appointments system, SPS, the sponsored projects system, and PeopleSoft, the courses system. Publications come from Elements, the publications workflow system that harvests from bibliographic databases. Duke Today provides links to news stories featuring Duke faculty.

Name, appointment, and education data is pulled from the Faculty Appointment System (dFac). Communicate those requests for updates to your organization’s dFac User/Business Manager who can make those updates in dFac on the faculty member's behalf.

Grant data is pulled in from the Sponsored Project System (SPS). Communicate those questions or requests for updates to your organization’s Grant Manager or contact the Office of Research Administration (ORA) (School of Medicine) or Office of Research Support (ORS)(University) who can provide guidance on how to update the data.

Note: Grants that do not appear under “Selected Grants” can be added manually under the “Fellowships, Supported Research, & Other Grants” section of the profile.

Course data is pulled in from DukeHub. Communicate those update requests to your organization's Department Schedule Validator (DSV) to confirm that the faculty member is listed as an instructor for that course in DukeHub. If you are not sure who your DSV is, work with your organization’s business manager to identify the appropriate person who interfaces with DukeHub for courses on behalf of your organization.

All Duke faculty (regular rank or non-regular rank) with active primary appointments in dFac have a Scholars@Duke profile. Profiles are automatically generated when the faculty member’s primary appointment becomes active. If the primary appointment expires, the faculty member’s Scholars profile disappears.

Work with your organization’s dFac User/Business manager to verify if the faculty member’s primary appointment is active in dFac. If not, the dFac User will need to add an active primary appointment for the faculty member. Once completed, the faculty member’s profile will reappear in Scholars within 24 hours of that update closing in dFac.

If the Scholars profile is correct, contact your organization’s website administrator to troubleshoot the issue.

Yes. Scholars enables profiles to be created for academic staff and students (masters, graduate, Ph.D. only) to display their scholarly contributions, such as peer-reviewed publications, grants, or research interests. To confirm the person’s affiliation with an academic department, institute or center, only Power Users can manually create a non-faculty profile for an individual.

See the Non-Faculty Profiles section of the Scholars User Guide for the specific instructions on how to generate a new Scholars profile for academic staff and students (non-faculty). Once the profile is created, the staff member or student will then be able to access and update their own profile.

Just as Power Users must manually create a non-faculty profile for a student or staff member, Power Users in each organization must manage their non-faculty profiles in Scholars@Duke manually when those non-faculty graduate or are no longer affiliated with your organization.

If you have a non-faculty profile in Scholars@Duke that is no longer affiliated with your organization, the Power User should follow the instructions found on the Non-Faculty Profiles section of the Scholars User Guide to either:

  • deactivate the student or staff member’s account if the affiliation with your organization is the only affiliation they have
  • simply remove the affiliation with your organization if the student or staff member’s Scholars profile has multiple affiliations

Go to Search for the faculty member's profile by typing their name in the Search box and clicking the green Search button. On their profile page, click the Manage This Profile button to manage their profile. Log in with your NetID and password, if prompted.

Click the Manage Delegates button under Admin Tools. Click the blue Add button, type the person’s name in the Search box, and click Search. In the Search results, click the name to add them as a delegate.

See our Scholars help site for self-enablement resources, such as our user guides and video tutorials pages.

For a more extensive demo or one-on-one assistance, contact the Scholars@Duke team.

For Elements "How-to" guidance, see the Elements help resources. If additional assistance is needed or you have publication questions, contact the Elements team at

Contact the Scholars team to confirm that you are no longer a Power User. Your Power User access in Scholars@Duke and Elements will be terminated and you will be unsubscribed from our mailing list.