Maintaining Affiliations and Deactivating Profiles for Academic Staff and Students (Non-Faculty)

Just as Power Users must manually create a non-faculty profile for an individual, they must also manually manage the affiliations associated with this profile. For example, if a staff member or student stays at Duke but moves to a new organization or department, the Power User must manually update the organizational affiliation for that non-faculty profile in Scholars@Duke. 

If you have a non-faculty profile in Scholars@Duke that is no longer affiliated with your organization, the Power User should:

  1. Locate the non-faculty member’s profile in Scholars@Duke.
  2. Click the Manage Profile button beneath the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. Log in with your NetID and password (if prompted).
  4. If the non-faculty member has only one affiliation, and it is with your organization, click the Deactivate Account button from the Admin Tools menu found on the right side of their Profile Manager page. This will remove the profile from Scholars@Duke completely. It can be reactivated at a later date if desired.
  5. If the non-faculty member has multiple affiliations under Current Appointments & Affiliations
    1. Click the Current Appointments & Affiliations link in the left-hand navigation of Profile Manager.
    2. Click the small, red “x”, just to the right of your organization in the list, to remove the non-faculty member’s affiliation with your organization:
Click the red X next to an affiliation to remove it

Scholars@Duke will process these changes overnight and remove the non-faculty member’s data from any outgoing data feed for your organization.