Scholars@Duke Widgets enable users to embed lists of publications, courses, and other profile information in an external web page such as a lab website or personal page. Widgets provide a dynamic data feed of Scholars data so that whenever the associated information is updated in Scholars@Duke, it is updated in the external web page automatically. Any member of the Duke community with a NetID can access and create customized widgets to obtain data feeds for a faculty member or an organization.

Scholars@Duke provides two kinds of widgets:

  • Person profile widgets provide data feeds of one person's profile data
  • Organization widgets provide data feeds for all profiles affiliated with a Duke organization.

Add Profile Data to another Website

To add an individual’s Scholars@Duke profile data to another web page, follow these steps.

Embed profile data using a person's widgets feed
  1. To add data to a website, click the Embed Profile Data button located underneath a profile's left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select your refinements using the menu provided.
    • Collections
      From the drop-down list next to Collection to Display, select Publications, Courses, Grants, Appointments, Addresses, Overview, or Contact. The Preview panel on the right shows how the list will look based on the current selections.
    • Items
      Select the number of items the display should provide from the drop-down list. Users can display the 5, 10, or 15 most recent items, or all items. The Preview panel displays the list based on the current selections.
    • Display Format
      Select Abbreviated to display a shorter version of the publications. Select Detailed to display the full publication. The Preview panel shows how the items will look in either display format. This option is currently available only for publications. 
    • Styling
      Choose Styled to use embedded styles, or choose Unstyled to use the styles on your web page. The Unstyled selection displays items in a bulleted list. The Preview panel displays both options.
    • Advanced
      The Advanced button enables web administrators to format the data in JSONP, HTML, or JavaScript. Selecting these options opens a new window that displays the information in the selected format. All data for one faculty member provides a feed of all the data on a profile page in JSONP or JSON.
  3. Select the text located in the embed code box and click Copy to Clipboard.
  4. Paste the embed code in your website.

Note: Some web editors or content management systems may require additional modules or settings to enable the widgets code to work properly. If you are using a Duke-administered content management system (e.g. Drupal or Wordpress), contact the IT group that administers the CMS if you need more help with the widgets. 

Setting up a Data Feed for an Organization

Scholars@Duke widgets are also available for organizations as well as for individuals. Currently, the organization widgets provide lists of People affiliated with the organization or lists of Grants associated with the organization.

An organization's widgets feed

To add an organization data feed to another web page, follow these steps.

  1. From an organization's page, click the Embed Organization Data button located below the left-hand navigation.
  2. Select your refinements using the menu provided. Review the preview panel to ensure correct formatting is achieved.
  3. Select the text located in the embed code box and click Copy to Clipboard.
  4. Paste the embed code in your website.

Feed Data for Everyone

Programmers can combine widgets to create a feed of Scholars data for everyone in an organization. Using the list of people in the organizational feed, programmers can use the individual data feed by looping through the list of people.