This section includes your current research interests, selected grants, fellowships, supported research & other grants, and external relationships.
Current Research Interests
Use the Current Research Interests section to add a narrative paragraph about your current research. Current work may not be represented by your grants or publications, so this section helps potential collaborators find you.
- Use the text editor window to provide a more detailed description of your ongoing research or areas of interest. This should build on your Overview statement, offering specific insights into your current projects, collaborations, or future research goals.
The formatting tool icons at the top of the text editor window can help make your content easier to read. You can:
- Add headings to organize different topics or sections.
- Create bulleted or numbered lists to break down complex ideas or list items clearly.
- Include hyperlinks to relevant research papers, articles, or websites.
- Apply rich text formatting like bold, italics, and underline to emphasize key points.
- Once you've completed your updates, click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to discard changes.
Selected Grants
The information in the “Selected Grants” section comes from Sponsored Projects System (SPS) and must be edited in SPS. In Scholars, you can hide specific grants or the entire grants section.
To hide grants:
- Click the Display Options drop-down menu in the Grants section:
- To hide specific grants, click Hide Data Items from the grants section menu.
- To hide all grants from a profile, select Hide Entire Section.
- To continue removing specific grants choose Select Items to Hide from the drop-down menu. Checkboxes will appear next to each grant.
- Select the grants you would like to hide or use the Check All button at the bottom.
- Click the Hide button.
Note: If one of your grants isn’t displayed in Scholars@Duke, check with your Power User or your SPS security officer to make sure that the “Can Be Publicized?” box is set to Yes in SPS.
Fellowships, Supported Research & Other Grants
To add grants or gifts that were not processed in SPS, you can add them to your profile using this section.
To add fellowships and other grants:
- In the left-hand navigation panel, click the Fellowships, Supported Research & Other Grants section.
- Type the title of the grant, gift or fellowship in the Title field.
- Enter the sponsor or donor.
- Select the start date or award date of the grant.
- Optionally add the role or office held, the amount of the grant, the end date and a description for the grant entity page.
- Click Save to display the grant on your profile or Cancel to exit without saving.
External Relationships
If you engage with activities, work, or research with organizations outside of Duke, you are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest with the Duke Office of Scientific Integrity – Conflict of Interest Office (DOSI-COI). You can add or make changes to your Industry Relationships using the Conflict of Interest form. Regardless of what data you are asked to submit via the form, only the institution name will be displayed on your Scholars@Duke profile.
External Relationships Policy
Duke's policy states that changes and updates to relationships require an update via the Conflict of Interest form within 30 days of occurrence. Questions should be directed to: