Widgets provides a wealth of parsed publications metadata for downstream applications. Some examples of this
metadata include “abstract”, “PubMed ID”, “digital object identifier”, and “full text link”. All of the metadata
required to build a standard publication citation can be accessed as individual data elements via the widgets.
Alternatively, the widgets provide 4 pre-formatted citation (APA, MLA, Chicago, and ICMJE) for each publication.
Formatting of these citations is managed by Zotero. These pre-formatted citations include a link to the publication’s
page on the Scholars@Duke site. An example of the pre-formatted citations can be seen below:
In Profile Manager (click “Manage My Profile”), anyone with a Scholars@Duke profile has the ability to set one of
these four citation options to be their preferred citation style. Setting this preference will determine how citations
are displayed on a person’s profile page and which style is used in the widgets HTML embed code. For those that
have not selected a preferred citation style, the default style is the Chicago style. Whether or not someone has
selected a preferred citation style, the widgets JSON feed will include all four citation styles. Therefore, when using
the JSON data, it will be up to the data consumer to note which style (if any) has been selected as the preference.
The preferred citation style will appear in the JSON feed as seen below. If no preference has been set, the
preferredCitationFormat attribute will not exist.